
Over 3 years ago we began with the A class wing SYMPHONIA. Then we stepped up class by class and finished 68 wings until now!
Now we are reaching the D class…
Here is our first EN D wing: the SCALA X-alps.

It is a radical 2×2 liner. Nothing else than a radical and very efficient design has always been expected of us.

Thanks to our test pilots Mad Mike Kueng, Benjamin Hörburger, Chris Gossner on the sewing machine and of course the very fast team @Aerodynamics Sri Lanka, we managed to certify our “dream machine” in time for the 2021 X-alps competition!
It is super light and super performing.
-climbing and racing are her strengths.
-and of course, she is a beauty!

Production of size 18 is starting now. Size 19 is given to certification. -more sizes and a version with standard weight will follow…